Japanese Magnolia kit BCTY-1
Teach Yourself Level 1 – Beginning Bunka Embroidery
Welcome to the online video portion of the BunkaCraft Teach Yourself Kit BCTY-1.
Order the BCTY-1 starter pack or kit only here ORDER BCTY-1 HERE
This course has been developed with the beginner in mind. We realize that while it is always preferable to learn bunka from an instructor, sometimes this is not possible.
Videos are arranged in 7 Separate Lessons. Each Lesson shows a specific technique or stitch. These lessons cover the basic Stitches and Techniques used in Bunka and represent the foundation required before going forward to other kit designs.
For best results, watch each video closely, then repeat the technique or stitch using the BCTY-1 kit. This kit contains a Sampler Area for practising stitches before applying them to the Japanese Magnolia pattern.